Absence does make the heart grow fonder, as I realised again when Brig returned from another international trade trip. This time she was in Lisbon for 2 weeks, and we really missed her.
The kids and I picked her up at King Shaka airport, and couldn't wait to welcome her home!
Watching my children enjoy their sport has brought back wonderful memories of the shear enjoyment I got from sport as a child. Not so much the exhilaration of competition or the satisfaction of winning, but the deep joy of free movement and knowing your own body. Like when you watch a puppy frolic in the grass or see children chase each other around the playground.
Its probably why some people continue to play sports into their senior years, and why I keep persevering through my ongoing road running injuries (I was built for speed and not endurance).
Here are pictures of Daniel in flow at the Mini-comrades (which he won again), and Hannah with her best friend Sarah at a recent tennis tournament
at the Westridge Stadium.
I really hope they are able to enjoy the fun and joy of movement through sports and recreational activities for many years to come.
Shona and Martin made time to stay with us in Pmb and to join us in the berg during their annual visit from the UK.
It was action-packed, with runs at home and in the berg, putt-putt competitions and swims in the river. Winter was fast approaching, so the water was starting to get really fresh.
It doesn't boast a fancy golf course or eco-estate, or offer the holiday maker a selection of restaurants or shopping centres. In fact if doesn't have any of these things.
'What does it have?', you might ask. Its small and quaint, with wide open beaches and probably the best run caravan park in the country. Bazley is its own place - its not on the road to somewhere else - the road to Bazley only goes to Bazley - when you get there, you are there and don't need to go anywhere else.
Staying over in a caravan and tents with the Sorour's and du Preez's over a long weekend is my idea of fun. No timetables and formal plans, but rather the opportunity to chat and relax. There was lots of time for fun and action on the beach, or around the pool or on our bicycles through the cane fields. Some of us (Greg) even woke up super early to go fishing and then did the same again later in the day. We also took a leisurely walk along the beach to the tidal pool at Ifafa. Its about a 20min walk, which is almost quicker than the long drive back to the main road to get there! Enjoy the pics of some of us in the tidal pool, and the mandatory 'sand-dog'. That's Hannah and Daniel absolutely loving the idea of burying poor Dale alive!
Our home was blessed in a very special way by Peter Gunning and his wife Alison.
The blessing of each room was led by a family member or friend, as they shared their love and blessing with us.
Thanks also to Craig for taking on the official photographer duties and leaving us with so many beautiful pictures. Some are here for your enjoyment and memory.
Our brave and dearest Hannah swam her first Midmar Mile this year. After two successful CapitalK swims she felt up to completing this swim classic - the biggest open water event in the world. She posted a fantastic time of 41min, and says she enjoyed every minute of of it.
The months of hard training paid off! Here are some memories from the day including the pre-race wishes from her adoring family and final pep talk from Daisy.
Justin and I were at the Shark Tank to see the sharks win the 2010 Currie Cup. To witness and share in this great victory over an out-gunned Stormers side was out of this world. Here’s a picture of us at the game – pity the Witness decided to crop Justin out of the picture when they included my pic and quote in their coverage of the win on their Monday front page. They may have sensed he was supporting the Stormers!
At the same time our kids were having a fun day at uShaka Marine World with Brigitte and Caroline. I think those uShaka sharks were very scared that day. Check out these disturbed kids!
We shared a lazy day on the beach the next day to round off a wonderful weekend.