Happy birthday Dad - My Hero!
Have you ever been in one of those workshops where you've been asked to identify the person you respect the most? Most of the answers are rather predictable - Mandela, Mother Teresa and Gandhi while other answers are clever or obscure providing insight into socialisation, worldview, aspirations and how well-read your fellow workshopees are. My Dad has always been my hero - except for between the ages of 15 and 19 when I thought he was unapproachable and super critical!He's unflinching integrity and absolute commitment still inspires me today. He always knows the right thing to do and never considers doing anything else. His selflessness and personal sacrifice to ensure that his family are safe, secure and cared for still takes my breadth away.Today is my dad's birthday - he's 60. Happy birthday dad!You are my hero.
That's very sweet G. Your father is definitely proud of you even if maybe he doesn't say it out loud and often. At 60 he's now a big boy, cheers to that!